Why Go Igoe?

You'll hear us say it again and again. It's our people. But since you can't meet people on a website, we'll attempt to tell some of our story in numbers for our data loving friends.

95%+ Client Retention

Pretty thrilled smiley icon

A key measure of success is that our clients stay on board, even though they have at will termination rights and no financial penalty if they exit their contracts.

#1 Reason to Go Igoe

Happy Clients

10% Year over Year Growth

Starry eyed smiley icon

We grow 100% by word-of-mouth referrals. We don't pay a sales team. We just do our job and do it well.

#2 Reason to Go Igoe

Happy Partners

5,000 + calls per month

Open mouthed smiley icon

That's a lot of calls....and they are all answered on average within less than 3 minutes via a tiered participant support service.

#3 Reason to Go Igoe

Happy Participants

500,000+ claims a year

Absolutely jazzed laughing smiley icon

99% of those claims are reviewed and when approved begin the reimbursement process within 1 business day.

#4 Reason to Go Igoe

Quick Reimbursement

2,500 clients and growing

Cackling with closed eyes smiley icon

70% of our clients have contracted multiple lines of service based on their satisfaction with our partnership.

#5 Reason to Go Igoe

Client Trust

10 + years of tenure

Pleased as punch smiley icon

Our #1 source for new employees comes from employee referrals and our average length of service for non-executive staff is 10 years (though that number is rapidly increasing).

#6 Reason to Go Igoe

Happy (and well-trained) Employees