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What Form Should I Use?
Most forms available on the site require Adobe Reader. If you are unable to view forms please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed.

Submitting Claims
The best and most secure way to transmit requests is by submitting claims online through our Spending Account Portal or using Igoe Mobile available on the App Store or Google Play. Instructions to mail or fax requests are located on our manual request forms listed at the top of this page.

Submitting Manual Request Forms
Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete the form and what documentation must be provided. You may fill out the form online, but please make sure to print and sign it when you are finished. Common problems that could slow down your request are: No signature on form Not enough documentation Submitting duplicate request Change of address box not checked Request form not completed. more...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Health Information Release Form Due to HIPAA Privacy regulations, Igoe Administrative Services is unable to respond to requests for information from non-participants (family members or others). If you wish to give permission for someone to be given information about YOUR account you are required to complete the Health Information Release Form. This form must be signed and submitted EACH time a non-participant contacts Igoe Administrative Services.